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On The "Tower Collection Blackpool" Loco's, Please state Dcc at time of order, As this can only be done at the build time on fully finished loco's 

DCC Sound Fitting

We can now supply and fit DCC  Sound chips to Tower Brass, San Cheng Brass, Finescale Brass, Bachmann Brassworks, Ixion Hudswell Clarke and  Dapol terrier,57XX. Sentinel locomotives.

We are using three types of chips.

In Ixion Hudswell Clarke locomotives we are fitting ESU Lok Sound LS micro v5.0 DCC sound chips complete with a 20mm speaker.The sound system only works on DCC and is not suitable for analog

In Dapol terrier and smaller tank locomotives from the brass ranges we supply and fit ESU Lok Sound v5.0 DCC sound chips complete with a 20mm or larger speaker.

For larger tender locomotives and Heljan diesels we supply and fit the ESU Loksound XL v5.0 DCC sound chip with a suitable large speaker.

The costs for supplying and fitting the micro chip is £150.00 in the Hudswell Clarke, £175.00 to fit the ESU Loksound sound chip into any of the Tower Brass / Finescale Brass or Bachmann Brassworks tank engines and for the larger steam locomotives and Heljan diesels the cost is £310.00. This service can usually be completed in approximately two weeks.

We are only offering this service to 'O' gauge customers and will not fit chips into kit built locomotives Unless delivered by you



DCC Sound Fitting Heljan Diesels & Large Steam locos

Following the success of our service to fit DCC and sound to the Ixion Hudswell Clarke locomotives we are now extending this service to any of the Heljan range of diesels. and steam locomotives

We supply and fit the Loksound ESU XL V5.0 sound chip with appropriate sound for the locomotive.. Normally we also use a 40mm speaker though this is down to space restrictions inside the locos..

This service costs £310.00 per locomotive and is payable upon ordering. The fitting service should not normally take more than a couple of weeks.



 Oh, one other thing, I prefer not to send/or receive fully finished kit loco's through the post, thus avoiding damage.                     we can arrange a conveniant place to meet


We can offer this service on new locomotives purchased through Tower Models. Or retrospectively on locomotives already supplied, though in this case there is a postage delivery charge


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